New Lodge Dental Practice - Dentist in Oxted
New Lodge Dental Practice - Dentist in Oxted
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TREATMENTS available in Oxted

We are primarily a private dental practice providing dental care for adults privately but do have a very limited number of patients under NHS care. Our small NHS commitment is constantly reviewed and may be subject to change. Private patients may join a capitation scheme or opt to pay as they go along. Please discuss these options with your dentist. A written treatment plan will be offered, and treatment and fees explained to you at your initial consultation.

Advantages of private dental care are:

  • You choose which dentist you wish to see.
  • Dentistry of the highest standard.
  • Use of the best quality dental laboratories and dental materials.
  • Guaranteed appointments (NHS patients may have their appointments deferred under the new guidelines if their dentist is running to full capacity for that month due to limited funding)
  • Access to their dentist for emergency out of hours treatment rather than a call centre or local treatment centre.


Using modern technology we can reshape and rebuild teeth and gums. We can repair decayed, ageing, worn or damaged teeth and refresh a dull smile. Misaligned bite positions, which are often the cause of headaches, jaw, shoulder and neck pain, can also be corrected to make biting more comfortable again. Missing teeth can be replaced with bridgework, dentures or implants.


This is no longer just for celebrities, advancements in modern dental care mean many ordinary people are using cosmetic dentistry to give them a more confident smile. Treatments are available to straighten, lighten, reshape and repair teeth, even a subtle enhancement can make a dramatic difference to the way you look and feel. Veneers can be made to mark unsightly discolouration. Bleaching treatments lighten the overall colour of the teeth.


Oral cancer is cancer that develops inside the mouth, usually on the surface of the tongue, the floor of the mouth, the lips or the gums, and, in rare cases, it can also develop in the salivary glands or in the tonsils. Its incidence has increased greatly in recent years. We check for this in all patients at examinations.


Periodontology is that branch of dentistry which prevents, diagnoses and treats diseases of the gums and other tissues that support and surround the teeth. In most cases problems are caused by poor oral hygiene and, if left untreated, can lead to tooth loss. Other factors that can also affect the health of your gums include diabetes, pregnancy, smoking, stress and heart disease.


Regularly visiting a dental hygienist plays a vital role in the prevention and early detection of deteriorating oral health and other, often more serious health problems. You should visit your dental hygienist as frequently as your dentist recommends for scaling, removal of plaque, help with bad breath, professional cleaning and polishing of your teeth. During your visit you will also receive the latest professional advice.


People who suffer from dental anxiety often fail to visit the dentist for routine care and this can lead to more serious problems developing. We do have the latest techniques for painless dental injections in the form of the 'dental wand'.


Orthodontic treatment straightens or moves teeth and is for people that have crowded, crooked or unsightly protruding teeth. It not only improves the appearance and function of the teeth, but also looks after the long-term health of the teeth, enamel, gums and jaw joints and make it much easier to carry out oral hygiene procedures. We can provide fixed and functional appliances and Invisalign which is the latest and almost invisible method to straighten teeth.


Oral surgery, which can be required to remove wisdom teeth, or fractured teeth, to repair damaged gums or even for cosmetic purposes, does not necessarily require hospital treatment. Many surgical procedures on the teeth, mouth and jaw can be carried out successfully within the surgery at New Lodge.


We advise on diet, fluoride treatment, provide fissure sealants to prevent future treatment. Sports Mouth Guards can be provided.


The practice prides itself on a reputation for relaxed quality dental care. The growth of our practice has evolved from patients' recommendations for which we thank you. Please continue to recommend us to your colleagues and friends - we do appreciate it.

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