Emergencies or Urgent Dental Appointments
We appreciate that having a dental emergency is unpleasant and we have an efficient system for dealing with this. We aim to see all patients with an emergency within 24 hours and most within 8 hours.
A dental emergency is classified as dental trauma, post extraction bleeding, an acute facial swelling or severe toothache. To assist us with this, we would kindly ask you to contact the practice by telephone as early in the day as possible. For less urgent problems causing patients anxiety we would aim to see you within 24 hours. New patients are especially welcome.
If you have an acute dental emergency which cannot wait until the practice reopens, please telephone the practice on 01883 717977 for further instructions.
There is normally a call out fee charged for emergency opening of the practice for treatment out of hours.
There is also an NHS emergency dental telephone number and clinic arranged by the Primary Care Trust (PCT) which patients can access at weekends and on Bank Holidays, telephone number 0845 271 2040.